We invite Kirsten King to speak at our camp as many times as possible. She has the rare gift of both drawing out profound truths from scriptures, causing students to think, and keeping them in stitches! In the midst of Kirsten’s humorous illustrations and stories, your students will still know they have been in scripture.
Herb Bloomquist
Shamineau Ministries, Executive Director

Kirsten King is a fantastic speaker! She is a sure homerun for your next event. No matter the crowd - her humor, wit, and authenticity brings the word of God to life! Timeless truths, heartfelt challenges, and a wealth of experiential stories will be embraced by each listening audience. You will not be disappointed!
Jim Johnson
University of Northwestern St. Paul, VP of Institutional Advancement

Kirsten is one of the funniest presenters I have ever heard! She told stories that had everyone in stitches, then followed up with teaching and applying truth from God's Word. Biblical teaching was presented clearly and truthfully. Kirsten's heart to share her life with the ladies made her relatable and approachable. She has a way of connecting with women of all ages, walks of life, and wide variety of backgrounds.
Kirsten's love for the Lord and desire to learn and make the most of every situation and opportunity is contagious. She has definitely been one of the favorite Women's Retreat speakers we have had. I highly recommend inviting her to speak at your next event!! She is delightful
Cindy Rogness
Women's Ministries Director Inspiration Point, Minnesota